author: Jan van den Berg
title: Visualization of Fault Trees (1)
keywords: Visualization, fault tree, risk model
topics: Creative
committee: Arnd Hartmanns ,
Mariëlle Stoelinga
started: February 2020
end: July 2020


Fault trees are a popular model in risk analysis: they describe how failures propagate from components to system level: system components are modeled as leaves of the tree, and gates (as AND, OR, priority-AND) in a fault tree model how failures propagate to the top of the tree, which represents that the system has failed.

A wide number of techniques is available to analyse fault trees, both in a qualitative and in a quantitative way: cut sets, BDDs, probabilistic analysis, etc. 

Goal of this project is to visualize a fault tree model, illustrationg the workings of a fault tree to experts and non-experits.


- study fault tree models

- investigate state-of-the-art visualization tools

- implement a fault tree visual model

Additional Resources

  1. Thesis