Finding common subexpressions: implementation

We now show how we can implement the algorithm.

Phyla and attribute definitions (extending earlier definitions):

expr {uniq} : { boolean visited = False; /* initial value */ casestring name = 0; /* predef case sensitive string */ }; /* define mapping ('assoc array'): casestring -> expr */ mapping {uniq} : Mapping( casestring ) { expr e = 0; } /* mapping from name to expr-node */ ; mappings: list mapping;
Tree walk definition (using unparse rules):

Plus( e1, e2 ), Times( e1, e2 ) -> [ view_visit: { visit($0); } /* $0 refers to current node */ e1 e2 ]; Const( i ) -> [ view_visit: { visit($0); } /* $0 refers to current node */ ];
utility functions:

void visit (expr n) { if ( ! n->visited ) { /* node not yet visited */ n->visited = True; /* mark as visited */ } else { /* visited this node before */ if ( n->name == 0 ) { /* not yet a name */ mapping m; n->name = gen_name(); /* generate new name */ m = Mapping( n->name ); /* and new mapping */ m->e = n; /* map from name to node */ /* insert mapping in list of all mappings: */ all_mappings = Consmappings( m, all_mappings ); } } } id gen_name() { static int i = 0; char tmp[50]; i++; sprintf(tmp, "id_%d", i); return mkcasestring( tmp ); }
formatting of output, using unparse rules:

Nilidlist() -> [: /*EMPTY*/ ]; Consmappings( h, t ) -> [: ";\n" h t ]; Mapping( s ) -> [: s " = " $0-> e ]; Plus( *, * ), Times( *, * ), Const( * ) -> [ test: { if ($0->name != 0) } $0->name:base_uview { else } $0:base_uview ]; Const( i ) -> [: i ]; Plus( e1, e2 ) -> [: e1:test " + " e2:test ]; Times( e1, e2 ) -> [: e1:test " * " e2:test ]; Times( e1 = Plus(*,*), e2 ) -> [: e1:test2 " * " e2:test ]; Plus( e1, e2 = Plus(*,*)) -> [: e1:test " + " e2:test2 ]; Times( e1 = Plus(*,*), e2 = Plus(*,*) ) -> [: e1:test2 " * " e2:test2 ]; Plus( *, * ) -> [ test2: { if ($0->name != 0) } $0->name:base_uview { else } ${ "(" $0:base_uview ")" $} ];
main routine:

#include "k.h" /* data type defs */ #include "csgiok.h" /* structure file io defs */ #include "unpk.h" /* unparse (view) definitions */ #include "printer.h" /* printer function def */ void main() { char *io; /* error message, or == 0 */ expr the_expr; /* root of the parse tree */ all_mappings = Nilmappings(); io = CSGIOread_expr(stdin, &the_expr); if (io != 0) fatal("Read error: %s\n", io); /* apply the 'visit' routine to all nodes */ unparse_expr(the_expr, printer, view_visit); /* show the output: the tree, and the list of mappings. */ unparse_expr(the_expr, printer, test); unparse_mappings(all_mappings, printer, base_uview); printer("\n", base_uview); exit(0); /* success! */ }

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Last updated at 23 February '01 by